Getting personal

I was hesitant to write anything about this but it’s my life and my blog. It isn’t about running (until the end) or outdoor adventure, but I just need to write it out.

I am 37 years old, married with no kids, and am currently on birth control. But you’re 37, and married, and you don’t have kids yet – why are you on birth control??

I was pregnant once, a LONG time ago, but had a miscarriage. 99.9% of my female relatives and friends either have kids or are pregnant. I can’t tell you how difficult it can sometimes be to be me, at my age, with no kids. I’m past the point of being depressed/upset/angry because I don’t have any yet, and am now in a very comfortable place of it’ll happen when it happens and when we are ready. I am also past the point of getting sad when I’m constantly asked when it’s going to happen or if I even want kids.

I’d like to share a “use your fucking head” PSA, in case anyone isn’t aware of what you shouldn’t say to a woman (even if they are a relative or close friend – ESPECIALLY then):

  1. Do you have kids? If someone has kids, you’ll likely find out within two minutes of talking to them.
  2. Do you want kids?
  3. Are you ever going to have kids?
  4. Are you trying to have kids?
  5. Your clock is ticking/you aren’t getting any younger, so you better hurry up! This may be the worst of them all. YES, I actually have people say that to me.
  6. <while holding a baby> You need you one of these. When are you going to have one of these?
  7. You won’t look like that after you have kids or You only look like that because you haven’t had kids yet. Enjoy it while you can! Get the fuck out of here.
  8. You are so great with kids! You should have one.

There are more, many more, but these are the big ones. Just don’t fucking do it. You never know what someone is going through and these words could have a VERY negative impact. If someone wants you to know something like that, they will tell you. I hear that it doesn’t even stop after having a kid because people want to know when you’ll have another one! For fuck’s sake!

I decided to go back on the pill last year when I was still on the Denali team. I was that committed at the time to ensuring I’d get up that mountain. This led us to coming to the decision that we’d wait a little bit anyway because I just didn’t feel ready, and there were things I still wanted to do while my body was still in it’s current condition. Plus, we’ve also thought about the fact that there are SO many people in the world already, and so many kids out there who need parents. It’s an incredibly tough life decision – of course those who love kids would like to have one that looks like them and has their traits. I get that our bodies are made for reproduction, but the world doesn’t currently need more people (in my opinion).

Now for the main reason of writing this blog: When I went in for my appointment to get the BC pills, the doctor told me how risky BC is for women my age (over 35) – something about blood clots. I got the pills but they turned out to be the wrong ones. I’ve been feeling very moody since I’ve been on them but just thought I might be going through an adjustment phase. I wanted to give them some time to see if it’d work itself out. It didn’t. This past week has been the worst yet – terrible mood swings, feeling depressed and emotional for no reason, and getting headaches everyday in the evening. I got home yesterday, with the intention to go out for a run, and started sobbing on the way home – for no reason. I got home and just curled up in bed. I couldn’t even force myself to go run. Enough was enough and I think I finally put the pieces together enough to realize it was the BC pills that was doing this to me.

I guess guys go through things, but I just feel that this is an ongoing battle throughout a woman’s whole life. When you have kids, your body and your life is forever changed (not all bad, obviously). If you don’t, people look at you and wonder why and always have to pry. Some days are just harder than others but you learn to roll with the punches. I am very happy with my status as the woman that I currently am. I am healthy, apparently look younger than 37, and I have nieces and nephews (and kitties) that I absolutely adore and can share my love with. I love them all and feel so lucky to be an aunt. I adore kids. I may or may not have kids in the future. They may or may not come out of my vagina. Only time will tell.

Well, I went in a whole other direction than just writing about BC pills making me feel so bad that I didn’t want to run, but I think all of this is really good share. There aren’t a whole lot of late-30somethings in my situation.

Please be courteous. Think before you speak.

Thank you for reading,


5 thoughts on “Getting personal

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  1. You’re perfect the way you are. Kids/no kids – still an amazing person.
    Sorry the dumb BC made your mood take a nose dive. Winter weather doesn’t help.


  2. I’ll be 36 in less than three months and while I have zero problems telling anyone who asks I don’t have kids because I don’t want them, it still makes me cringe. I know women who’ve really wanted kids but had to go through painful infertility issues, miscarriages, other health issues, etc., and those prying questions just make it so much worse. People can be so thoughtless. Plus, it’s NONE of their business!
    Sorry about the birth control problems! It took me several tries to find one with no negative side effects. The first one I ever took was the only one that affected my mood; it made me feel irrationally angry all the time. I’ve been on my current pill for at least five years, probably longer, and it’s been smooth sailing. I know hormonal BC just doesn’t work for some people though. And for what it’s worth, I think the blood clot risk is mainly heightened by smoking, even for us “geriatric” patients haha.
    Good luck getting it straightened out — at least you know what’s causing the problem!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The combo one worked really well for me in the past and I made the mistake of getting the estrogen only one this time. I’ve talked to others who also said that one made them nuts. The shit we have to go through sometimes… OYE!

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